Janet McLaughlin McLaughlin-Williams

Profile Updated: October 19, 2022
Residing In: East Lansing,, MI USA
Spouse/Partner: Charles (Chuck) T. Williams
Homepage: jmclaughlinwms@comcast.net
Occupation: Ret. Elem Sch Guid. Couns; Private Consultant
Children: Stepdaughter Robin, born 1963
Stepdaughter Tracey, born 1966
Son Justin born 1978
Son Drew More…born 1981
Son Douglass born 1985
Seven Grandchildren: Jaylen 2000, Maya 2002, Atticus 2002, Miles 2012, Langston 2018, Tuskan 2018, Arlo 2021
Yes! Attending Reunion

I can't wait to see everybody who is able to attend our 50th Reunion!
I started off College at San Jose State in 1962, and after a few years, transferred to the University of Oregon. After U of O graduation, I returned to the Bay Area to teach in Oakland. In 1969, my former husband, Gregg Skuce (SLHS Class of 1963) and I moved to Eugene where I taught elementary school while Gregg attended the U of O. He earned his BA and MS from the U of O. I earned my MS from the U of Oregon in Special Educ. and Curr. Dev.
I loved Eugene with its incredible University, people, and scenery. I left Eugene in 1974 to begin working on my PhD at the Univ. Michigan Chuck and I were married in 1976 while I was in the midst of writing my dissertation working as an Organizational Development Analyst in Michigan. We added our son, Justin to our family in 1978 and then Drew in 1981.
I finished up my PhD in the spring of 1983 - not the speediest candidate in the world! - and in 1984 we moved to Reston, VA because
Chuck went to work for the National Education Association in Washington, DC as Director of Human and Civil Rights.
I was pregnant with our third son, Douglass.
While living in Reston, I worked a an Assistant at a Montessori Pre School, and then as an Elementary School Guidance Counselor in the Prince William County Public Schools. Working, helping to raise two daughters, and raising three fellas, filled just about every moment of those busy days!
I always requested to be placed in schools with students who were challenged by struggling family economics, and I remain committed to helping support national policies and educational goals that deal positively with issues such as differences in race/ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, poverty, class, special educational/physical needs, etc. (Those were the same issues that existed at our SLHS, and I think we all got along quite well - most of the time - while we were trying pretty hard to learn about, understand, and accept a variety of differences between/among each other. I believe that is one of the main reasons why lots of us really value the opportunity to continue to get together every five years for a Reunion. It is also the reason we appreciate the hours and hours that our Reunion Committees have spent to make that happen through the years.) Those issues continue to exist everywhere, and I still believe that strong and effective public schools, and excellent and appropriate curriculum hold one of the "keys" to our future.
I would like to believe that I remain a reasonable political Liberal . . . and I think that philosophy continues to influence most things that I think or say or do, or become.
Chuck and I retired in 2007 and moved back to East Lansing, MI, the home of the Michigan State Spartans. (We probably take our lives in our hands everyday, as we walk about in our Maize and Blue items of clothing because, of course, we live in sea of Green and White inhabited by the former "MSU Arch Rivals" from our U of M college years.) I miss Virginia and Washington, DC and the neighbors, friends and colleagues there who we knew for 26 years. However, I am trying to "bloom where I am planted" and enjoy East Lansing, MI including its amazing Springs and Falls and beautiful snowy winters!
Life continues to move on! I still cherish the friendships and memories from our years at SLHS, and know I always will.

School Story:

This is a POST SCHOOL story:
In 1980, when Chuck and I were attending the last session of our La Maze Childbirth Review Classes, it was time to take a break before the childbirth movies were shown. As the audience began to get up and move about, I remained in my chair. I became aware of a tall, shadowy "presence" standing just in back of me. A deep voice said, "Big Red". I was shocked! When I turned to see who belonged to the comment, it was Noel Doran! He and Carol (Brown SLHS Class of 1963) were attending the same session, and our two families were expecting our second babies within a week or two of each other. The Dorans had lived in East Lansing for several years while Noel was working on his PhD at Michigan State, and none of us had known that we were neighbors!
We saw each other quite often during those years before Carol/Noel, and their two sons, Alex and Nick moved to another part of Michigan, and Chuck and our two fellas moved to Reston, Virginia.
When I called Carol to tell her that we had returned to Michigan to retire, we were so saddened to learn about Noel's passing.

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Sep 09, 2024 at 11:29 AM

Posted on: Sep 09, 2024 at 2:33 AM

Sep 09, 2023 at 8:36 AM

Posted on: Sep 09, 2023 at 2:33 AM

Oct 19, 2022 at 6:26 PM

The 60th Reunion pictures made me smile and miss so many of you! I wish I could have attended and I am looking forward to seeing you at the 65th gathering! Thanks to all of our classmates who continue to make these reunions possible. I hope all of our '62 SLHS Grads and their families stay healthy and happy and surrounded by love! Safe Journey.

Oct 13, 2020 at 5:11 AM

Posted on: Oct 12, 2020 at 11:30 PM

During these troubling yet challenging times, I hope all of our classmates and their families and friends remain healthy and safe. May you all enjoy everything you want or need in 2020 and beyond. I look forward to seeing everybody at one of our future gatherings. Safe Journey!

Oct 01, 2017 at 5:28 PM

Hi Curt, There are a whole whole lot of PIRATES all over the country who are sending their best wishes for you to have a speedy recovery. I AM ONE OF THEM!
Take care, Jan McLaughlin-Williams

Sep 09, 2017 at 12:30 PM

Posted on: Sep 09, 2017 at 2:33 AM

Aug 30, 2016 at 8:35 AM

Guess it is time to add some birthday wishes before you go shopping for candles for your cake . . . it might keep you HONEST! Hope you have a wonderful day, full of whatever you want to do to celebrate. All of us are VERY glad you were born!

Nov 27, 2015 at 12:47 AM

Posted on: Nov 22, 2015 at 7:34 AM

As the end of 2015 approaches, and during a time when the world has more than its share of unrest and tragedy, but its joy and fun filled times, too, I find myself remembering the wonderful "growing up years" so many of us had in the San Leandro area. I wish many other young people and young families could experience those days, if they were good ones for you! They were for me. It has been a long (VERY long . . . smile) time since then, and we have all traveled so many different paths. Here's to a Holiday Season that brings you all that you need, and some fun things that you want! oxoxox Jan.